Are You On The Placebo?

People want to feel that what they are doing, or paying someone to do, is more sophisticated than the average schmuck. But that’s the problem. Most people don’t need complexity. Do you know what they need?

Everything’s On Credit

Christmas is right around the corner and if you haven’t already gone shopping … I’ll pray for you. If there’s one fact I know, it’s that no one complains when you get more for less. That’s called a steal. But why pay more for the same? A few months ago, my brother was contemplating buying…

How Do I Talk to My Partner About Money?

My colleague in Boston said something that continues to stick with me every day. He said, our job is designed to be preventative by nature. Take these scenarios for example: Client wants to sell because of a poor economic forecast: “How does this decision today align with your longer-term goals?” Client believes they are healthy…

Four Things That Will Keep You Out of the Stock Market

Do you feel like the market is going to tip over any day now? The recent volatility is just the first telltale sign, right? But, the grass is always greener on the other side. Isn’t it? It’s so easy to look at what we don’t have, or what we wish we had, and fantasize about…

Evergrande: The Most Likely Outcome

We haven’t had very much “this is the end of the world” news since more than a year ago, so I imagine all eyes will be on what China plans to do with what’s at stake here. Evergrande is probably the most popular name in the news right now. Will it become a new name…