The Secret

Today’s special guest post is brought to you by my colleague, and friend, Ben Coulthard. Ben is one of the most welcoming, charismatic, and team-first advisors that I can think of. Ben – starting only a few months before me but lightyears ahead of me in so many ways – was (and still is) instrumental…

Season 22: Episode 10, Survivor’s Manual

Do you remember when we would all watch the same shows on cable?  Sure, you can go back to when TV had like three channels, but at least for me, my memory goes back to the first episodes of American Idol. How first, we’d all catch up over last night’s episode before resuming whatever side…

Is This Rock Bottom?

This short explores the idea that pessimism can be a precursor to optimism. It’s not that we hope for the worse. It’s just that we may have a tendency to look at the darker side of life.

What Have We Learned?

Some people are born into it. Others stumble upon it. The rest of us need to work to create wealth ourselves. But our decisions, and more importantly, our reactions, have a butterfly effect on what our story becomes.

Don’t Bet The House

Despite the fact that home values have seen a significant facelift, before you bet the house, consider these options before borrowing on that newfound wealth.

The Big Race

If you are in a high tax bracket, and this is not standard practice for you, you’ve already lost the race.