The Secret to (My) Success

What advice would you give me or another 20-something-year-old entering the “real world?” Leave me a comment below. I’d love to hear your thoughts. 

Timing Is Everything

Starting difficult things is much harder than finishing them. For example, looking at the introduction pages of a thick novel is much more daunting than when you’re halfway through the book.  Day one of your “get back in shape” journey is much harder than week 52 when the incremental progress is much more visible.  We…

Perspective is a Beautiful Thing

In the complex arena of constant updates, our perspectives truly shape the narrative. The key lies in balancing optimism with realism, acknowledging the unpredictability that truly disrupts financial landscapes.

You’re Exactly Where You Need To Be

You know that old saying, comparison is the thief of joy? Cliche and worn out, yes, but it’s one of those timeless pearls of wisdom that will always ring true. I’m 25, and I’m starting to feel like I have nothing to show for it. My Instagram isn’t perfectly aligned with food porn or my…

U.S. Credit Downgrade Part 2

Even though the credit downgrade and the current economic situation might make us wonder, looking at past experiences and what the experts are saying, it seems like we’re handling it pretty well.

How A Notebook Held Up in Court: A Holographic Will

Holographic Will - Estate Planning

I’m going to cut to the chase.  In my quest to bring more awareness to legacy planning to Gen Zers and Millenials, I’ve written about two notable cases of extreme wealth, notoriety, and a lack of a solid estate plan—here and here.  Today, I’ll showcase another interesting story circulating in the estate planning world regarding…

How Will I Know…

It goes without saying that not all of my client meetings are a delight where I get to tell clients how wrong pundits were about the economy. Or pointing out how much Nvidia and Microsoft they own in their portfolio.  Occasionally these talks are grim and can be uncomfortable. To show you what I mean,…